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Under 10's Update - 18th April

Under 10's Update - 18th April

Paul Dinneen18 Apr 2018 - 21:05
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Leicester Tigers Uckfield Training End of Season Awards

First of all my thanks to all the coaches, parents, supporters and the team for making the event in Leicester/Solihull so enjoyable.
Photos on the Whats App Group
If you have not managed to join the WhatsApp Group ( speak to Milly who will assist )

Selection notices have gone out. Please arrange to be there by 9.30 to help us set up the teams to be ready to go from the off.

Sunday 29th April - AWAY at Edenbridge
Sunday 6th May - AWAY at Brighton

End of Season Awards - 13th May
The end of season approaches .. last training season with some fun activities... we will need your help to man the versus activities ... so if you can give up just 15-30 mins on the day to help us that would be great.

I will be looking for your child's nominee for The Players Player of the Year. So please ask them to think about.

Don't Forget the Sunshine Sevens will be on at EGRFC on the 29th April ... please encourage your friends, families, colleagues to come along.. Proceeded The Blue Cube Security Sunshine Sevens Disco on the 28th. We know many of you have some great disco moves from the restaurant in Leicester... so another chance to show off your moves and threads.

EGRFC Annual Dinner Dance - 19 May 2018 - there maybe some tickets left, please contact Milly.

Further reading