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Rugby Round Up

Rugby Round Up

Matt Marriott7 Feb - 13:27
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The weekly newsletter that keeps you up to date with our rugby family right across our wonderful club.

Welcome to East Grinstead Rugby Round Up. If you are reading this on the website, or via Facebook, please sign up to receive this Newsletter via email, which contains loads of pictures and other content, please email and we will add you to the list.

Big disappointment as Old Cranleighans let us down again on Saturday, the only compensation was the 5 point win we were awarded which keeps us in the pack! Thank goodness the 2’s were able to take to pitch 1 to entertain the bustling crowds, as the poor 1XV were made to train by an unsympathetic Sandy!

The G’s supporters were treated to a proper nail biter as our unbeaten 2’s desperately strove to keep their unblemished record playing a strong Crowborough outfit, the game made harder still with some interesting officiating and the fact that EG legends, Sean, Max and Oscar Morgan, chose this weekend to make their Crowborough debuts!!!

It’s not often that a second team captain has to lead three old first team captains, but that is what happened on Saturday as Ben had leadership aplenty on the pitch with Noo, Max C-M and Jack all playing for him! It was the latter who scored the late try to snatch victory in a 10 - 7 victory... Never in doubt!!!

To see all the pics, check out Ben’s brilliant shots here: Match pics

This Saturday was supposed to be a rest week for all our senior squads, but our 1XV will be playing their away game against Kingston that was postponed due to their frozen pitch a few weeks ago. If you fancy travelling, Kick off is at 2pm at 226 Hook Rd, Chessington KT9 1PL. Your support would be much appreciated!

Having just mentioned the postponed game against Kingston above, we received this delightful communication from Roy Windibank;

“I see that the Club has had problems with frozen pitches, but I would take you back to 1963 when it was REALLY cold for many weeks.

The Club had arranged a fixture to coincide with the England v Wales match in Cardiff. Our game was cancelled but we drove down to Wales in appalling conditions only to find that our hotel had been double booked, with a team from Portsmouth. We were the first to arrive so we locked ourselves in our rooms to be safe. The international was played but only after the removal of tons of straw from the pitch.

When the thaw finally arrived it was decided to honour our next fixture, come what may. I believe it was against Crowborough. King Georges' field was an absolute bog but both teams were determined to play. I was captain on the day and at half time I called the team together and suggested that we call it off. The team would not hear of it because we were losing at that time. After all, we were playing against the tide. So we ploughed on.

A short time later a second row forward told me that he could not continue as he had Hypothermia. So off he trudged with the play swirling about him. It turned out that he had just returned from working in India. We lost the game and to cap it all, the showers would not work. Those were the days!!”

If there is anyone else out there who remembers that game, or who want to get in contact with Roy, please drop us a message ( and we will pass it on.

Sunday saw a change to our usual training at the club. St Francis RFC had reached out to us to invite the juniors to their club at Southgate Park in Crawley. St Francis have a fledgling minis section and are keen to promote rugby in the area. As a club with an ever growing junior section, East Grinstead were all too happy to help.

As a result, all our sections from U7 onwards decamped to Crawley to run our session on their pitches being joined by the players that have recently signed up to play at St Francis. We were joined by some of their coaches too to run the sessions and show the St Francis players the joy of the game.

St Francis were exceedingly warm and welcoming and the kids all enjoyed themselves and the novelty of playing at a new club. Hot food was generously laid on in the clubhouse after the session which also gave the EG coaches a chance to have a drink and a chat with our opposite numbers from St Francis.

We now have an open invite to play there again. We will also be extending an open invite to have their players come and join us. We hope that our new inter-club friendship will assist all at St Francis RFC to grow their junior section in the same way as EG have done down the road.

On behalf of myself and my fellow junior coaches, we would like to extend our thanks to all at St Francis for their warm hospitality. We look forward to a repeat in the near future and coming seasons ahead.

U12’s Hove Harriers V EGRFC Reds
It was a very close game against Hove which could easily have gone either way. In the end, the game finished with a final score of 30-25, with Hove narrowly taking the win. It’s always easy to say but had a couple of decisions gone our way and/or we had another couple of minutes…

We saw some fabulous passages of play and teamwork displayed and also had some areas of the game where we were exposed and we will continue to work on these. The boys all finished with their heads held high and looking forward to their next challenge.

U12’s Brambletye v EGRFC Blue
On Saturday morning, our U12s played a fantastic game with a mixed ability EGRFC team facing an experienced Brambletye side. The boys put in a strong performance as a team, as well as individually, and the final score of 30-5 did not truly reflect their efforts. It was great that the last try of the game went to us, helping to lift everyone’s spirits, and we look forward to playing them again at some point in the future.

Following the game, one of the Brambletye coaches commented that our U12s were better at adapting and reacting to what was happening around them than their own squad which was great to hear and another positive. Well done all.

Our U13’s and U14’s were both in action at London Irish Festival.
G's made 7th out of 14 losing in the quarters to Finchley. Some great rugby against some big clubs - Irish, Saracens, Gosport to name a few. An outstanding individual try for Morris Kane was a massive highlight, others for Yanni Hudson and Bailey Moore were also special.

Don't forget our fundraiser this Friday at the club. Come and join BOD, 2nd Chapter and DJ Steve Black for an evening of music and fun at EGRFC on Friday the 9th of February, raising funds for the U14 East Grinstead Rugby Gibraltar 2024 Rock'n'Roll tour.

email: for tickets, alternatively visit U14's fundraiser to buy tickets online. With your ticket, you'll get a free entry into the raffle for some great prizes, and can purchase more raffle tickets on the night.
Food is available to purchase on the night!

Our U16’s Girls teamed up with Crowborough again on Sunday to take on Pulborough.
In the world of sports, gracious defeat is an essential quality that reflects the true spirit of competition. It is especially important in a girls rugby match, where camaraderie and sportswomanship are valued. A gracious defeat means accepting the outcome of the match with dignity and respect, regardless of the final score. It involves acknowledging the skill and effort of the opposing team, congratulating them on their victory and showing appreciation for the opportunity to compete. It also means reflecting on the match, identifying areas for improvement and using the experience as motivation to strive for future success. Ultimately, a gracious defeat in a girls rugby match is testament to the character and integrity of the team, fostering a positive and supportive environment for all the athletes involved.

In a thrilling and hard-fought rugby match, the girls showcased their resilience, determination and unwavering spirit. Despite the final score not being in their favour, their performance on and off the field was a testament to their hard work and commitment. This write-up aims to highlight the journey of our girls, emphasising their notable moments and the valuable lessons learned throughout the match.

Throughout the game, the girls demonstrated exceptional teamwork and unity. They stood together, supporting and encouraging each other every step of the way. Their seamless coordination and communication on the field were evident, showcasing their dedication to working as a cohesive unit. The girls defence was nothing short of inspiring. Despite facing a formidable team, they displayed relentless determination to protect their try line. Their tackles were fierce and calculated, disrupting the opposing team's advances. The pressure we applied to them in their 22 in the opening phases of the game was inspiring. The girls brought in well drilled technical aspects of the ruck and counter ruck and set themselves up well but struggled to penetrate their defence. With a lot of hard work from the forwards and the amazing try by our number 8 that came from 3 phases after a quick line out which, again, followed the pressure we applied to them inside their 22. The girls defensive efforts served as a testament to their resilience and refusal to back down.

Though the match didn't end in their favour, the girls had their fair share of shining moments. Whether it was a well-executed line break, a perfectly timed pass or a courageous try-saving tackle. These moments of brilliance highlighted the potential and talent within the team, leaving spectators in awe. As they continue their rugby journey, the girls can be proud of their efforts and use this experience as a stepping stone towards future success. Just remember, sometimes, the score doesn't reflect the overall experience and enjoyment gained from participating in a sport. Having a great time is a testament to the positive attitude and camaraderie within your team.

The support from your teammates and the lessons learned, can be just as valuable as winning. It's an opportunity to reflect on the highlights of the game, identify areas for improvement and use this experience as motivation to continue growing and developing as a team.

Crowstead 05 – Pulborough 50

G’s U13’s & U14’s EGG CHASERS 
Huge congratulations to Sid, Tommy and Ashton from our U13s team and Harry Hughes, Morris Kane and Dylan Maidment from our U14’s for being selected for the Egg Chasers 7s Academy.

On Saturday 9th December many of the intermediates attended the Egg chasers masterclass that was held at EGRFC. It was a very wet and cold day, so wet in fact, the masterclass took part on the astro.

There were a number of children from different age groups from different clubs as well as the EGRFC. At the end of the session they were told the stand out players on the day would be invited to trial for the Academy. 2Two days later the boys received their invite. The week before Christmas they took part in one of the camps held at Old Reigatians which they absolutely loved. Fast Forward to 22nd January another freezing cold and wet day, they took to the pitch with a big group of U13’s and U14’s. After the hour their trial was done and it was now time to wait.

On Wednesday 24th January came the email to say the boys had got into the academy. Their first meet will be the 4th March 2024, we wish them huge luck and success and will be cheering them on from the sidelines. Great job boys!

An interesting first round of games sets the 6 nations up nicely. Ireland’s dominance over France was incredible and gives us English hope for when we travel to Paris in the last game. This offer from Papa Johns gives you the chance to watch that game from Twickenham...

Ever thought of watching the Guinness Six Nations inside the home changing room at the home of rugby? Official Pizza Partner Papa Johns are offering you the chance for you and two mates to do just that! Enjoy a Pre-match Stadium Tour, Beverage Package and of course, delicious Papa Johns Pizza on the 16 March 2024 as England take on France.

Click on this link to see how you can enjoy a pizza and enter this competition: Papa Johns comp

If you have any news about any aspect of our rugby family here at East Grinstead, get involved and email See you next week!!

Further reading