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Dean Richards at Saint Hill

Dean Richards at Saint Hill

Matt Marriott31 May - 08:00
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Come and meet the great man!!

Friday the 7th June, sees Lions and England Legend Dean Richards, popping in for a beer and BBQ at EGRFC as we host him and over thirty of his friends.

Dean has been a fantastic supporter for the Ratana Marauders, being Head coach for the four fundraising games we have had so far.

We look forward to seeing a good crowd at the the club - with Family Touch from 7pm - Full BBQ available (Burger / Chicken / Jumbo sausage / potato salad and coleslaw £15) or burgers available. To book your place, please email:

Some more detail ….
On 6th June, GravityFundraisers, led by Dean Richards and MikeTeague (former England Rugby & Lions Rugby Company professional rugby players), and Fereti Tuilagi (former Samoa and Leicester Tigers legend) set to out on yet another cycling adventure, this time embarking on a route from Paris to Twickenham Stadium, aiming to arrive at HQ just in time for the Premiership Cup final on June 8th. Their objective: to gather over £50,000 in support of two meaningful causes deeply cherished by all involved.

The Matt Hampson OBE Foundation stands as a beacon for individuals facing catastrophic sporting injuries. Inspired by Matt's own journey, which began after he suffered a life-altering injury rendering him paralysed from the neck down, the foundation strives to provide top-notch facilities and support. Matt’s resilience and determination to embrace life to the fullest serve as a guiding light for others in similar situations. Our mission is to contribute to the foundation's daily operations and ensure its ongoing support for those in need.

Ed Slater's battle with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Association spurred the creation of the charity 4Ed, rallying friends and colleagues in a relentless fight against the cruelty of MND. From offering vital support to affected families to raising awareness about MND's impact, the charity's efforts bring about profound changes in the lives of those grappling with the physical, mental, and social repercussions of this devastating illness.

Inspired by the indomitable spirit of Matt and Ed, as well as their shared experiences Leicester Tigers and within the rugby community, the team of cyclists and support crew is determined to conquer the arduous journey in just over two days. Notably, the majority of riders are over 60,adding to the feat's remarkable nature as they don their lycra, oil their chains, and pump up their tyres once again!!!

To learn more, please follow these links:

So book your place now by emailing:

Further reading